
Farmers forced to leave their land to make way for Hong Kong government’...

This Singaporean investor in her 30s owns 47 properties around the world - we break down 5 of them

SME Diaries: We run a traditional industrial supplies business. Covid-19 gave us the opportunity to modernise

6 men arrested in Malaysia for being part of Internet love scam syndicates

'We were haemorrhaging money': Jewellery store owner revamped business amid pandemic

'I was on a life-support machine for 29 days': Covid-19 survivor

Police warn of fake news of PM Lee endorsing crypto investments

India seizes $725 million of Xiaomi assets over illegal remittances

India seizes US$725 million from China’s Xiaomi over remittances

India seizes $725 million from Chinese company Xiaomi

小賠就是賺!!走圖實戰演練示範廣宇 | 林穎 理周教育學苑

Top 10 Reasons for Decline of Buddhism in India । “Why Hinduism survived...

新加坡拒美威脅 澳助美抗中 李顯龍不當拜登跟屁蟲選邊 新聞大白話 20220430

In Indonesia, public Muslim prayers are causing angst for people of minority faiths


Defamation suit: Influencer Rachel Wong fails in bid to find woman, who accused her of infidelity, in contempt

‘It really humbles me’: Prison teacher on what it’s like to help inmates with their N-, O- and A-Level exams

八極拳 拳組系列「虎抱頭」Bajiquan Combat Training Drills “Tiger Caress Head”

八極拳 拳組係列『斧刃腿衝捶』Bajiquan Combat Drill Training "Axe Kick Chong Chuei"

八極拳拳組系列『步法 之二』Bajiquan Combat Drill "Footwork - 2"

八極拳拳組系列「步法 · 一」Bajiquan Combat Drills “Footwork -1”

普欽60天多賺2兆因拜登制裁 芬蘭學者:被北約骯髒巨魔害 新聞大白話 20220429

70's Loveliest Actresses in Bikini Then and Now

【朱家泓 林穎上課精彩片段】安心抱波段!!長波短波一起賺!進場、加碼必勝密技! | 理周教育學苑 長線降龍操盤術

【財經龍捲風 - 股市預言篇】2022老童的 末 市 預 言 ! (期間限定)| Mr.李永年 @李永年 @理財達人秀 EBCmoneys...

有蛋白尿说明你的肾出大问题了!一个益肾方,活血益气补肾 为你的肾保驾护航!【家有大中医】

Pick apricots, don't pick out apricots from the wall, don't marry a lazy...

「均線」終極用法勝率極高,竟然這麼多人不知道 | 理周教育學苑 理周很有財EP9 周鼎松

玩具佛牌?佛牌玩具?Thailand Toy Expo 2022 已添加简繁体中文字幕

Poor or not believe two things, rich or not to pay three people?

揭密农夫山泉 卖水1年赚50亿!



[1MDB CASE 2.0] Ex Prime Minister Got Involved In It? More To Be Reveale...

[1MDB CASE 1.0] Rich Boy of Penang's Conspiracy, just for...?!

Missing M'sian woman, 22, allegedly detained in Myanmar due to Wang Lei's cash reward


[Malaysian Case]JJPTR Money Game Trap. Aged 29 Man, Johnson Lee Saves th...

Monspace: A Corp Which Its Founder Once Was The Brightest Star of The Le...

【每日必看】不再保留? 哈爾科夫驚見俄軍最新主力戰車T-90M出沒@中天新聞 @毛球烏托邦 20220426

Cdtup ‘s Big Boss! The Future First Wealthy Billionaire Zhang Jian, The ...

[Multinational Scam] MBI Virtual Currency Could Earn Up to 1.5 Times In ...


Why some healthcare workers in Singapore’s hospitals have quit - and others soldier on

Vladimir Putin: The president whose obsession with Russian security may cost him dear

[CDTUP Scam] The Invincible Nicky Liow Soon Hee

【朱家泓 直播課程精彩回顧】不是每個底部爆大量都是止跌!嚴守紀律提高出手勝率 |朱家泓 精彩片段 神奇K線專修班


【嗨!家泓 EP17】底部支撐線只要一跌破,股票趕快溜之大吉~~學會一招永保安康。股市要大跌,這樣看的出來!!底部多轉空要大跌(學習K線07)倒...

‘It feels like prison’: Shanghai resident chronicles chaos of China’s Co...

Australian father, son drowned trying to save Singaporean tourist who took a dip in the ocean despite warning signs

Photo of lightning striking HDB block in Queenstown: How does it happen and are residents at risk?

24小時定勝負,如何製造一場摧枯拉朽的沙漠風暴? 1991年的美軍和2022年的俄軍差在哪裡?海灣戰爭②| 說真話的徐某人

蘇-35在烏克蘭被擊落,俄軍的準五代機為何徒有其表?殲20與F-35東海鬥法,究竟優勢在誰?? | 說真話的徐某人


Ong Ye Kung warns of fake photos showing him endorsing medical products

制裁俄國反害己?!美通膨慘! 雷倩揭美國通膨真相...@中天新聞


Alarm bells over a possible recession from raising interest rates too qu...


Stalingrad: Chances for a Breakout?

How to Break Out of Encirclements - Panzergrenadier on the Eastern Front

If you are poor, your parents will not have children. If you are rich, y...

"Happy people have three widows", do you know what you mean?

S’poreans remained best friends for 60 years into their 80s — until one of them passed away

Ukraine war exposes Russia military shortcomings: analysts

Feeling Is the Secret (1944) by Neville Goddard

The quality of those who have made great things in ancient and modern ti...




鐳射戰艦抵達東亞,替換馬斯廷號巡弋南海,它所攜帶的奧丁系統威力如何?美國人這些年都搞了那些激光武器? | 說真話的徐某人

The Truth About Ukraine's Bayraktar TB2 Drone: Project Ukraine

Commentary: Singpass and digital ICs make our lives much easier, but at what cost?


How to understand "the more incense burns, the more ghosts are provoked"?

Zhuangzi: Learn to do subtraction and achieve an outstanding life. Can y...

When you have no money and no connections, learn three things

Relatives are gradually estranged, why?

What does the saying "Three friends enter the house, bad luck will follo...

Often sick without a filial son, the family is defeated and evil people ...

Singapore’s housing shortage risks bid to cool home prices

Chinese migrant worker moved to S'pore without knowing English, now speaks fluent Tamil & has loyal customers at flower shop in Little India

Singapore announces major easing of Covid-19 rules from April 26: What you need to know

【牌圈水深】和泰国人买佛牌 七个小方法 避免被坑 天上不会掉馅饼 小心再小心 已添加简繁体字幕

The older the three types of people, the richer they become, and the old...

【NFT】NFT竟是龐氏騙局?恐面臨泡沫化危機 曲博揭殘酷真相 ft. @陳零九 NINE CHEN 、@曲博科技教室 Dr. J Class...

Lawyers say 'not easy' for S'pore model to sue Russian artist accused of using her likeness on nude paintings

第一财经|美国通胀后一盒牛奶需要10美金 民众担心通胀引发饥饿


【转载】Voice from Shanghai四月之声 墙内已被疯狂删除 封杀 全民转发 没几个能点开

Comment: 4 years ago, Lawrence Wong was an unlikely pick for the top job. How did he become the next PM-in-waiting?

Single S’porean mum of 4: Leaving my abusive husband was the best decision for my kids

【全球政經周報】沒救了?5月升息2碼.啟動縮表!美國猛踩煞車打通膨已經來不及?出手前的股市恐爆大逃殺 受利率影響最大.資金緊縮!房市難再飆漲? ...

Life savings wiped out in days: 75-year-old lost S$1 million to China official impersonation scam

Exclusive: France and Germany evaded arms embargo to sell weapons to Russia


这一场冠病疫情 影响了我的生活 The Pandemic has Changed My Life

【與錢同行】經濟衰退警鈴響! 美債殖利率"倒掛" 股市崩跌前兆!? 升息抗通膨! 1970石油危機再起?!雅婷主播與你同行ft.李永年 @中天財...

【財經龍捲風 - 崩盤說】大崩盤來臨前的 『4』 徵兆,台股中了_?_個! | Mr.李永年 @李永年 @理財達人秀 EBCmoneys...

'There's no choice': This Singaporean father had to help his daughter, 30, shower and deal with her menses

S'porean woman, 75, loses S$1 million CPF money over 4 days to scammers pretending to be China officials

75-year-old lost $1 million in China officials impersonation scam

Su Shi's last poem

Woman pays $3,600 for 'bad fake' of Chanel bag -- then gets ghosted by seller

Elderly people who are unhappy in their later years have these three cha...

In a dinner party, people who are really popular often have 3 kinds of p...

Unlucky people have nothing more than four stinky problems

In dealing with people, we should "do not talk and do not laugh".

How to raise a rich mouth? Learn three o'clock, the day will not be worse


Car buyer's nightmare: His first car breaks down hours after collection, and then 'detained' by Tampines car dealer for weeks

'Plant killer' pours substance into Petir Road family's potted plants, caught on CCTV after years - HDB Town Council

Condominium security guard jailed for trying to extort S$10,000 from visitor, claiming he trespassed


What happens if you are attacked by "Bajiquan"?【Tamotsu Miyahira】

PSD files police report against scam website for reposting job openings from Careers@Gov portal

【理財達人秀】染疫創高全球解封!特斯拉、美航空財報指路 電動車、航空先起飛?K神解惑套牢股有反彈該賣還是續抱?3招逆轉勝!|李兆華、朱家泓、林信...

Russian missteps in Ukraine offer China lessons in better military strategy, stronger troop morale

世界局勢洗牌美國霸權成過去式? 俄烏戰爭打出中國大陸"大國姿態" 介文汲狠酸"他"手段像癟三 @中天新聞





【盧秀芳辣晚報】俄軍動用Tu-22M3"長程戰略轟炸機" 地毯式狂轟馬立波@中天新聞 精華版

逛庙 泰国最灵验的五尊佛之一 瓦莱庭 wat rai khing 泼水节庙会 已添加简繁体字幕

Integrity | Father Of A Nation: Lee Kuan Yew

【盧秀芳辣晚報】澤倫斯基疑似喝醉影片? 自言自語.秀家人照? 烏方刪除! @中天新聞 精華版

'Too smelly to sleep': 13 days in a Shanghai isolation facility

The end of the US dollar as we know it?