S'pore police rescue woman trapped in Clementi home toilet for 4 days


S'pore police rescue woman trapped in Clementi home toilet for 4 days

When duty calls.

Fasiha Nazren |  December 29, 2022, 08:06 PM

It is all in a day's work for police officers to tackle crime and keep residents safe.

This includes responding to a case of a missing person.

Missing person case

On the evening of Nov. 27, two policemen — Ibnu Musalli and Miqdad Fisall — received a call for police assistance after a woman had been reported missing.

The person who called for assistance was the relative of the missing woman.

According to the relative, the missing woman had been uncontactable for the past four days and it seemed like her mobile phone was switched off.

Ibnu said: "He (the relative) had even gone to her apartment unit to make checks but had gotten no response from her."

The policemen headed down to the woman's apartment in Clementi and made enquiries with the neighbours who also said that they had not seen her for three or four days.

They also noticed that there were some delivery parcels that had been left outside her house.

Ibnu shared that based on their "instincts and experience", they feel that the woman might still be in her home. However, she may be in a condition where she would not be able to respond.

Miqdad added: "As we were speaking to the neighbours, we heard some faint rapping sounds coming from the other side of the wall."

With the help of a security guard, the policemen managed to swiftly gain access to the woman's apartment.

Sounds from toilet

They noticed that the knocking grew louder as they entered the house and it seemed to be coming from the toilet.

Miqdad then exclaimed: "Miss, we are the police! We're here to help you!"

Fortunately, they heard a response.

As it turns out, the woman was trapped in the toilet as the door handle was dislodged.

Thankfully for her, they managed to force open the door and let her out.

After getting dressed, she told the police officer that she had been stuck in the toilet for the past four days.

Desperate times

As she had no means of communication or escape, she desperately knocked on the walls hoping for someone to come and rescue her.

Miqdad said that the woman suffered no visible injuries and was attended to by the paramedics.

"I remember the tears of relief she had when she thanked us for rescuing her. It’s an interesting incident for sure. It showed me what it feels like to give hope to people," he said.

You can read the full encounter on the Singapore Police Force's Instagram post here:

Top image from @singaporepoliceforce on Instagram and Unsplash. Image is for illustration purposes only.
