Avoiding Your Problems; If you really want to reach your full potential, say goodbye to these 6 behaviors


If you really want to reach your full potential, say goodbye to these 6 behaviors

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Imagine for a moment a version of yourself who’s free, unburdened, and equipped with all they need to not just dream big but live those dreams.

Sounds appealing, doesn’t it?

Now, what if I told you that achieving this is less about adopting new habits and more about letting go of old, limiting behaviors?

That’s right – the key takeaway here, the golden ticket to unlocking that full-blown potential of yours, is elimination rather than addition.

It’s about stripping away the layers of self-doubt, fear, and other self-imposed barriers that we’ll unravel together in this article.

You’re not stepping into something new; you’re returning to the best version of yourself that’s been there all along.

Intrigued? Stick around.

I’m going to go through the 6 behaviors you need to wave goodbye to, to step into a world where your potential isn’t just a possibility but a tangible, touchable reality.

Let’s get started. 

Behavior 1: Doubting Yourself

We get it – we all have those moments of doubt. It’s human. But if you’re constantly thinking you’re not good enough or second-guessing every move, it’s time for a reality check.

Self-doubt is like a dark cloud that hovers over you, raining on your parade and keeping the sunshine – your potential – from breaking through.

Nobody knows everything or gets it right all the time. Mistakes? We all make them, and guess what? They’re one of our biggest teachers.

They’re not a sign that you’re failing, but proof that you’re trying, growing, and learning.

Kicking self-doubt to the curb doesn’t mean you have to be overly confident or have all the answers. It’s about trusting yourself, knowing that you’ve got the skills and smarts to figure things out. You have something valuable to offer. Believe that.

A good starting point?

Catch those doubting thoughts when they sneak in. Challenge them. Replace them with positive affirmations and evidence of your past wins, no matter how small they might seem. 

Remember, every step forward is a win, and every mistake is just a stepping stone to your next victory.

Behavior 2: Fear of Taking Risks

Okay, can I be real with you for a second? This one hits close to home for me. There was a time when the mere thought of stepping out of my comfort zone would send shivers down my spine. It’s like standing on the edge of a diving board – scary and exciting all at the same time.

Here’s something I’ve learned, though. Taking risks is like flexing a muscle. The more you do it, the stronger you get. And sometimes, the magic happens when you dive into the unknown, even when it’s scary.

I know, I know, taking risks can be terrifying. What if you fail? But here’s another question – what if you fly?

Every successful person you know has taken risks. They’ve faced those scary moments and jumped anyway. Because the truth is, that’s where growth happens.

So, if you’re clinging to the safe and familiar, it might be time to let it go. It doesn’t have to be a giant leap; even a small step outside your comfort zone can lead to something incredible.

Remember, it’s okay to feel the fear. We all do. But don’t let it keep you stuck. Feel the fear, and do it anyway. Each risk you take is a stepping stone leading you closer to your full potential.

Who knows, that leap into the unknown could be the start of something beautiful. I took that leap, and even though it was scary, it was worth it. And I believe it will be for you, too.

Behavior 3: Avoiding Your Problems

We’ve all got problems. That’s life. But there’s a big difference between having problems and letting them have us.

It’s an easy trap to fall into, one where you’re drowning, but you pretend you’re just fine. You paint on a smile, put up a façade, but inside? It’s a storm.

I’ve been there. The truth is, avoiding our problems is like tossing them into a closet. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

But every time you throw another issue in there, that closet gets fuller. And one day, it’s going to burst open, and everything will come crashing down.

Trust me, dealing with a mess like that? It’s a hundred times harder.

Facing our issues head-on is terrifying. It’s messy, uncomfortable, and it downright hurts. But it’s also liberating. It’s like taking a deep breath after being underwater for too long. It’s raw freedom.

Every problem you face and tackle? It’s a badge of honor. It says you’re stronger than the storm, bigger than the barriers, and capable of overcoming whatever life tosses your way.

The issues don’t get easier – you just get better at handling them.

Avoidance? It’s a dead end. It keeps you stuck, stunts your growth, and robs you of the opportunity to emerge stronger and wiser.

So, no more running, no more hiding. We face those terrifying, messy problems with courage. One step, one day at a time.

That’s where true growth lies – in the gritty, raw, uncomfortable places where we face our demons and emerge not just unscathed, but reborn, stronger, and ready for whatever comes next.

Behavior 4: Always Being Busy

We’re conditioned to believe that being busy equals being productive, successful, or important. We fill every moment, every silence, every void with ‘doing’.

But being perpetually busy can actually be a silent killer of your potential.

I know it sounds counterintuitive. Aren’t we supposed to hustle, grind, and outwork everyone else to get to the top?

Well, not exactly. There’s a fine line between being productive and being busy just for the sake of it.

One leads to growth and accomplishment, the other to burnout and a soul-sucking cycle of emptiness.

What if I told you that the times you’re doing ‘nothing’ could be the times you’re growing the most?

It’s in those quiet moments – the pauses, the breaths, the breaks – where we reflect, recharge, and get in touch with our deepest, most innovative ideas.

So, let’s toss out the ‘always busy’ badge. Replace the hustle and grind with balance and mindfulness. Give yourself permission to pause, to breathe, to just ‘be’. Trust that in those silent spaces, you’re not falling behind but gearing up to leap forward.

Unbusy yourself, and watch how your creativity, energy, and potential soar to heights unimaginable amidst the constant buzz of ‘doing’.

Behavior 5: Seeking Approval

We live in a world where likes, comments, and validation from others can feel like the be-all and end-all.

I remember times when I’d post something online and obsessively check for reactions.

The silence or lack of ‘likes’ felt like a personal rejection. It sounds silly when said out loud, but the struggle was, and sometimes still is, very real.

Your worth is not determined by the nods and claps from the audience. Seeking constant approval is like building your house on sand – shaky and ever-shifting.

Your voice, your path, your journey, it’s uniquely yours. And trust me, it’s more than enough. You don’t need the whole world to nod in agreement for your path to be valid.

I’ve learned that the hard, painful way. The applause is nice, but the silence is golden too because that’s where you meet the real you, unswayed and untainted by the world’s ever-changing opinions.

We have to consciously uncouple our self-worth from external validation. It’s a journey, not a destination, and every step towards embracing and believing in our intrinsic value, even when the applause fades, is a victory.

It’s liberating to live life not by the measure of likes or nods of approval but by the authentic, unfiltered beat of your own drum.

Behavior 6: Neglecting Self-Care

This isn’t a polished, pre-packaged truth, but a raw and unvarnished reality we all grapple with – neglecting ourselves. I’m as guilty of this as anyone else.

We push ourselves to the edge, fueled by the mistaken belief that burning the candle at both ends is the only path to success.

Sleep? Optional. Food? Whatever’s quickest. Mental health? A backburner issue. We tell ourselves, “I’ll rest when I’m successful.”

But let me hit you with a cold, hard fact: there’s no success, no achievement worth sacrificing your well-being for.

I’ve walked that tightrope, teetering on the edge of burnout, believing that just one more push, one more sacrifice was the ticket to my dreams.

But here’s the wake-up call – you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Ignoring self-care isn’t a testament to your strength or determination. It’s a ticking time bomb. It undermines not just your physical health, but your creativity, productivity, and the very dreams you’re chasing so relentlessly.

Your body, your mind, they’re your allies, not obstacles to be overcome. They deserve respect, care, and nurture.

Success, achievements – they’re not markers of your worth. You, right here, right now, as you are – you’re enough. You’re worthy of care, love, and respect.

Let’s not wait until the crash comes. Let’s honor ourselves now, respect the limits, and embrace the beauty of rest, replenishment, and renewal.

Our dreams aren’t going anywhere. They’re waiting, just ahead, and we can only reach them if we’re whole, hearty, and well.


It’s not the grand gestures or monumental shifts that define our path to reaching our full potential; it’s the small, daily decisions to break free from the shackles of self-doubt, fear, avoidance, busyness, the need for approval, and neglect of self-care.

If there’s one key takeaway, let it be this: Embrace your imperfection.

It sounds simple, but it’s in this radical acceptance that we find our true power.

You don’t need to be without flaws to be worthy; you don’t need to do everything right to make progress. Every stumble, every fall, is a crucial part of this beautiful journey we’re on.

It’s not about becoming someone new but unveiling the authentic, potent, extraordinary person you’ve always been. Flaws, imperfections, and all – you’re a masterpiece in progress.

Now, armed with this revelation, the future isn’t a distant horizon but a present moment, brimming with opportunities to grow, evolve, and step into the untapped potentials that lie within us.

The journey is both the destination and the reward.

Ready to embrace it? The path is yours to walk, and every step is a dance between the person you’ve been and the extraordinary soul you’re becoming.
