Waking up with Gratitude ; Practice Mindfulness ; Value Quality Over Quantity; Appreciate What You Have;10 things happy people do every day without realizing it


10 things happy people do every day without realizing it

Posted 29 Sep 2023, by

Tina Fey

We all strive for happiness, but often, the joy we seek is right before us, embedded in our daily routines.

It’s in the little things, the subtle habits that we unconsciously develop and practice without realizing their profound impact on our mood and overall well-being.

You might go about your day, engaging in these activities and wonder why you’re generally happier than others or why you bounce back faster from life’s inevitable setbacks.

How do you recognize these little sparks of joy that you unknowingly light up? What are those daily rituals that happy people subtly weave into the fabric of their lives?

If you yearn to answer these questions, you’re in luck!

Below, we’ll discuss the 10 things happy people do every day without realizing it.

Let’s dive in!

1. Waking up with Gratitude

Many happy people have a different approach to starting their day, and it’s usually steeped in mindfulness.

Think about how you wake up; do you open your eyes and immediately check your phone for emails or social media updates?

Or do you take a moment to stretch, breathe deeply, and express gratitude for the new day ahead?

Happy people often start their day with gratitude.

They take a few precious moments each morning to appreciate the simple fact of waking up to a new day.

This conscious ritual sets a positive tone for the rest of their day, fostering an undercurrent of happiness that can sustain them through any challenges they may encounter.

If your mornings start with an alarm clock jolt, a frantic rush to get ready, and a hastily gulped cup of coffee, you might not realize you’re missing out on a vital happiness booster.

So, tomorrow morning when you wake up, before reaching out for your phone or thinking about the day’s tasks, try taking a moment to appreciate the gift of a new day.

You might be surprised at how this small shift in routine can make a big difference in your overall mood and perspective.

2. Practice Mindfulness

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to find ourselves constantly looking ahead – to our next appointment, task, or goal.

However, one common habit among happy people is the practice of mindfulness, being fully present in the moment.

Ask yourself: when was the last time you took a break and simply enjoyed being in the moment? When did you last notice the aroma of your coffee, the feel of your clothes against your skin, or the sounds around you?

Happy people tend to appreciate these simple moments and live them fully.

They understand that life is not just about big achievements or milestones but also about small everyday experiences. They are not constantly chasing after the next big thing but find joy in what is happening right now.

So, try slowing down your pace a little. Savor that cup of tea, enjoy the sensation of sun on your skin, listen to the birds chirping outside your window.

Practicing mindfulness can make ordinary moments extraordinary and significantly enhance your daily happiness quotient.

3. Show Kindness and Empathy

In a world where we’re often so focused on our own goals and aspirations, it’s easy to overlook the importance of our connections with others.

I’ve found in my own life that one of the most rewarding and happiness-inducing practices is to show kindness and empathy to those around me.

There was a time when I was so engrossed in meeting my career goals that I began neglecting my relationships.

It took a friend’s gentle remark, “You seem distracted these days,” for me to realize that I was missing out on one of life’s most profound sources of joy – human connection.

Since then, I’ve made a point to show more empathy, to listen actively when someone shares their story with me, and to express kindness in small, everyday ways.

It could be as simple as sending a supportive text to a friend going through a hard time or volunteering for a cause close to my heart.

I found that these acts of kindness don’t just uplift the other person but also bring me a sense of satisfaction and happiness that’s hard to describe. It’s like finding unexpected joy in giving.

If you want to take steps toward being a little happy every day, keep in mind that the opportunity to connect with others in meaningful ways is always there.

4. Adopt an Optimistic Outlook

It’s no secret that our thoughts shape our reality.

But did you know that optimists – people who tend to see the glass as half full – are more likely to live longer than those who generally take a more pessimistic view?

Indeed, an article from Harvard Medical School explains that maintaining an optimistic outlook not only contributes to feelings of happiness but also has a positive impact on our physical health, including lower rates of cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses.

So, the next time you’re confronted with a challenging situation, try reframing your thoughts. Look for the silver lining or the lesson you can learn.

This simple shift in perspective can make a significant difference in your happiness levels and might just add years to your life!

5. Seek Continuous Learning

Throughout my life, I’ve found that one of the most fulfilling and happiness-boosting habits is the pursuit of learning and personal growth.

There’s something incredibly rewarding about expanding your knowledge, acquiring new skills, or simply learning more about the world around you.

I recall a time when I felt stagnant in my career, as if I’d hit a plateau with nowhere further to climb. It was a frustrating phase, but instead of letting it drag me down, I turned it into an opportunity to learn something new.

I enrolled in a digital marketing course, something I had always been interested in but never found the time to pursue.

The excitement of stepping into a new world and the thrill of learning was like a breath of fresh air.

Not only did it improve my professional skills, but it also brought me joy and renewed enthusiasm.

It helped me understand the value of continuous learning — that growth doesn’t end with formal education but is a lifelong journey.

So, whether it’s picking up a new hobby, exploring a topic you’re passionate about, or just reading a book on an unfamiliar subject, never stop learning. 

6. Prioritize Self-Care

With the demands of modern life, it’s easy to slip into a routine that prioritizes work and responsibilities over personal well-being.

However, happy people innately understand the importance of balance and self-care in their lives.

They take time each day to care for their physical health, whether it’s through regular exercise, a balanced diet, or ensuring adequate sleep.

But they also prioritize their mental and emotional well-being, allowing time for relaxation, reflection, and activities they enjoy.

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it’s essential for your happiness and overall well-being.

7. Be True to Yourself

The happiest people are often those who feel free to be themselves.

They don’t bend to societal pressure or external expectations. Instead, they live in alignment with their values and beliefs.

This is because living authentically means listening to your inner voice, trusting your instincts, and making decisions that align with who you truly are. It’s about celebrating your uniqueness and not being afraid to show it.

8. Embrace Challenges

Life is full of ups and downs, but happy people have a knack for bouncing back from adversity.

They view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks.

This is what resilience is.

It’s not avoiding hardship — it’s developing the strength to overcome it. And often, it’s in overcoming these challenges that we grow the most.

9. Value Quality Over Quantity

Happy people understand that having meaningful relationships is more important than having many relationships.

They invest time and energy in nurturing connections that uplift them, inspire them, and make them feel loved and understood.

After all, quality trumps quantity when it comes to relationships that truly add value to our lives and contribute to our happiness.

10. Appreciate What You Have

Finally, happy people often practice gratitude, consciously acknowledging the good in their lives.

This is because gratitude breeds positivity and contentment.

They appreciate what they have, rather than focusing on what they lack.

So, take a moment each day to recognize and appreciate the blessings in your life.

You might be surprised at how this simple practice can transform your outlook and elevate your happiness.
