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Daily Habits Of Successful People (What They Prioritize And Why)

They reflect and adjust

Successful people reflect on what’s working and what’s not. Bill Gates is known for taking “think weeks,” where he steps back from his day-to-day responsibilities to reflect on his goals, learn new things, and make adjustments. Don’t just charge ahead blindly, being a busy fool ticking things off. Instead, get perspective and strategize, iterating your approach to stay on track.

You don’t need a whole week. Even a few minutes at the end of each day to review your progress can be invaluable. What went well? What didn’t? What will you do differently tomorrow? Regularly check in with yourself to never be caught off guard.

They make time for deep work

Deep work is the kind of focused, uninterrupted time that allows you to tackle big projects and make real progress. Successful people protect this time fiercely. Arianna Huffington, founder of Thrive Global, schedules her day to include blocks of uninterrupted time where she can focus on her most important tasks. By avoiding meetings and emails during these times, she ensures that she makes meaningful progress on her key priorities.

To make this work for you, get ruthless about not being interrupted. Turn off notifications, close unnecessary tabs, and let your team know you’re not available. Even one or two hours of deep work can be more productive than an entire day of multitasking. But no one is going to do it for you.

They prioritize health and energy

Being rich and out of shape is not aspirational. Top performers know that taking care of their health matters just as much as making money. They prioritize exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep because they understand that their energy levels directly impact their performance. Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, makes sure to fit exercise into her routine, whether it’s yoga, running, or even a quick workout at home. She believes that staying active keeps her mind sharp and her energy high throughout the day.

You don’t need to train like a professional athlete, but you do need to train. Keep your body in good shape, and your mind will follow. Maximise your energy and health and stick around for long enough to actually enjoy the benefits of the success you create.

Daily Habits Of Successful People (What They Prioritize And Why)

08:00am EDT

Success doesn’t happen by accident. It’s built through the small, everyday actions that compound over time. The most successful people know this, and they’re intentional about how they spend their days. What you do every day dictates your weeks, months, and entire career. Make it good by starting small.

Successful people don’t have some secret formula. It’s the simple things that set them apart. Here’s what they do differently.

How successful people shape their days for success

They start the day with intention

Successful people don’t roll out of bed and let the day happen to them. They set the tone from the moment they wake up. Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, starts each morning with a quick win, like making his bed or meditating. This creates a sense of control and accomplishment that carries through the rest of the day.

You don’t need a complicated morning routine to start your day right. Pick one simple thing that makes you feel grounded, whether it’s five minutes of stretching, a glass of water, or writing down your top three priorities. Start your day on your terms to find it easier to stay focused and productive.

They make time for deep work

Deep work is the kind of focused, uninterrupted time that allows you to tackle big projects and make real progress. Successful people protect this time fiercely. Arianna Huffington, founder of Thrive Global, schedules her day to include blocks of uninterrupted time where she can focus on her most important tasks. By avoiding meetings and emails during these times, she ensures that she makes meaningful progress on her key priorities.

To make this work for you, get ruthless about not being interrupted. Turn off notifications, close unnecessary tabs, and let your team know you’re not available. Even one or two hours of deep work can be more productive than an entire day of multitasking. But no one is going to do it for you.

They prioritize health and energy

Being rich and out of shape is not aspirational. Top performers know that taking care of their health matters just as much as making money. They prioritize exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep because they understand that their energy levels directly impact their performance. Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, makes sure to fit exercise into her routine, whether it’s yoga, running, or even a quick workout at home. She believes that staying active keeps her mind sharp and her energy high throughout the day.

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You don’t need to train like a professional athlete, but you do need to train. Keep your body in good shape, and your mind will follow. Maximise your energy and health and stick around for long enough to actually enjoy the benefits of the success you create.

They reflect and adjust

Successful people reflect on what’s working and what’s not. Bill Gates is known for taking “think weeks,” where he steps back from his day-to-day responsibilities to reflect on his goals, learn new things, and make adjustments. Don’t just charge ahead blindly, being a busy fool ticking things off. Instead, get perspective and strategize, iterating your approach to stay on track.

You don’t need a whole week. Even a few minutes at the end of each day to review your progress can be invaluable. What went well? What didn’t? What will you do differently tomorrow? Regularly check in with yourself to never be caught off guard.

Building habits that lead to success: learning from top founders

Success is built from daily habits. Start the day with intention, make time for deep work, prioritise your health and reflect and adjust. Copy the strategies of great leaders and create a routine that supports your goals. Aim for consistency over perfection and be surprised at how much you can do. Make the choice, get intentional about your priorities, and keep that going for a very long time.

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Founder of Coachvox AI - create an AI version of you. Forbes 30 under 30 class of 2017. Post-exit entrepreneur and author of Ten Year Career. Competitive


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